20 июня 2019
Our new phone number!
Dear customers! We changed our phone numbers! Starting from 2019/06/21 we are available by the following phone number: +7 495 280 18 80.
11 июня 2019
Happy Russia Day!
Happy Russia Day! On June, 12 the Day of Russia is celebrated in our country. This day is a symbol of consolidation of all Russian people.
8 мая 2019
Victory Day!
We congratulate you on the Victory in the Great Patriotic War! We low bow to the Heroes who did everything possible for this Victory!
5 мая 2019
Discount coupons
Dear Clients! As part of a partnership with Gilmon from 04/30/2019 to 05/29/2019, we provide discounts on printing, copying, scanning and stitching coupons! Look for a coupon for our services at www.gilmon.ru. Attention! Discount coupons are not cumulative with discounts on other promotions and discount programs!
24 июля 2018
Renovation at CopyMax Mayakovskaya
Dear customers! Due to renovation works starting on July 29th, copy center CopyMax at Mayakovskaya works according to the following time table: 07/29 – 08/14 copy center closed! 08/15 – 08/31 7:00am – 10:00pm Orders sent to copy center at Mayakovskaya by email 07/29 – 08/14, are automatically transferred to copy center at Sukharevskaya. Copy center at Sukharevskaya works 24/7 starting on August 1st. Please accept our apologies for temporary inconveniences!
8 мая 2018
Happy Victory Day!
We congratulate you on the Victory Day! We low bow to the Heroes who did everything possible for that Victory!
30 апреля 2018
Happy Labour Day!
Our congratulations on the occasion of Labour Day!
17 января 2018
ATTENTION! On January, 17th ...
... landline numbers are not available! Please call our mobile numbers: +7 985 277 8727 (Mayakovskaya), +7 985 277 9727 (Paveletskaya).
28 декабря 2017
Happy New Year!
Dear clients! We wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let all your dreams come true!
29 сентября 2017
International Day of Older Persons!
Dear Retirees! On October, 1st copycenters CopyMax give you a possibility to copy up to 20 A4 black-and-white pages FREE OF CHARGE! Attention - you have to show us your pension book to avail this proposal.
11 июня 2017
Happy Russia Day!
Dear customers! We congratulate you on Russia Day!
9 мая 2017
May, 9th - the Victory Day!
We congratulate you on the Victory Day! We low bow to the Heroes who did everything possible for this Victory!
28 апреля 2017
Happy Labour Day!
Happy first day of May!
27 марта 2017
Menu printing by low prices!
Special proposal for restaurants, Café and hotels: menu printing by low price! We are glad to announce the following prices for menu printing: A4 – 12,00 rub., A3 – 24,00 rub. (for color page), A4 – 3,00 rub., A3 – 6,00 rub. (for black-and-white page), discount 20% for binding and laminating!
7 марта 2017
Happy International Women's Day!
Dear women, We wish you health, happiness, love and prosperity! Let the kindness, care and attention always be with you!
22 февраля 2017
Happy Motherland Defender's Day!
Happy Motherland Defender's Day!
6 февраля 2017
Stretcher frame for free!
Attention! Very important information for the enamored people! Get ready for Valentine’s Day right now - entrust us to print your picture on canvas and we'll mount it on the stretcher frame for free! Proposal available in CopyMax “Mayakovskaya” only till February, 14th. P.S. Please note, that execution time of orders will be rising as Valentine’s Day comes closer!
24 января 2017
Students Day!
Dear students! On January 25th show us your student ID, answer a simple school-level question and get 25% discount to all our services and a funny badge as a gift! Happy Students Day!
30 декабря 2016
Happy New Year!
Dear clients! We wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let all your dreams come true!
3 ноября 2016
November, 4th - National Unity Day!
Happy National Unity Day!